The line between a so-so room and a fabulous room is padded high with throws. Rich people seem to order them by the truckload. And after years looking at rooms, here is my conclusion: You need at least one throw per two feet of sofa length. An eight foot sofa requires at least four pillows, maybe more. And don't even think about buying some ready-mades at Bed, Bad and Beyond. Here's the deal: Your pillows have gotta be custom. Gotta, gotta. And some need to be a print. Solid pillows often look cheap, unless we're talking French grain sack linen or something like that. Here is one of my all-time fave rich-for-less tips: Using dinner napkins for pillows. Genius. I'm stealing here from High-Heeled Foot in the Door, a great blog. She used Roberta Roller Rabbit dinner napkins for a series of graphic pillows in her guest room. They cost $8 a pop (while Roller Rabbit pillows cost more than $40 each). Genius. Yours truly just copied that and made two napkin-pillows in her kids room this weekend.
Check out this post for how-tos: http://high-heelfootinthedoor.blogspot.com/2010/02/pillow-talk-diy-steps.html